WELL, today was certainly an interesting day. I woke up, didn’t eat breakfast as Doctor’s orders, went to the Doctor’s office/Surgery place, paid the people, and watched family feud in the waiting room while we waited for the Nurse to call us in. Then we went in for a blood pressure check and a post-op video of instructions such as how to fold this gauze to suck up the blood and spit from the operation area. Also I cannot spit, drink from a straw, and (sarcastically) by golly I can’t smoke. Yeah the last one isn’t too bad, but I’ve been in discomfort all day.
Anyway, then we waited in the lobby for about 10 more minutes before they brought me into the operation room. They sat me down, hooked me up to a blood pressure monitor and gave me an extremely comfortable blanket because it was going to be cold, then after about 15-20 minutes of waiting like that, they came in and started the procedure, hooking me up to the analgesia (anesthesia) while distracting me with talking about weather and school and such. I was completely out cold just after I finished saying that I went to SPC. The next thing I know is I woke up; Dad was in the room; and they were asking me how I was doing. I wasn’t actually too sure at the moment because I didn’t know what just happened, so it took me a second to respond. “Fine” I said, then immediately fell back asleep. This happened several times, after which I was woken up by the nurse giving me a drink of some fruit juice. We then proceeded to see how good I could stand up. I wasn’t bad the first time, but my operation areas (for I know not what else to call them) were killing me. Within seconds the doctors had come back in and were giving me several shots, numbing them completely. Then more falling asleep and waking up to get a drink. I think it was about Noon before we came home, but I can’t be sure AT ALL.
We got home and I just held ice to my cheeks while taking a nap for a little while. Then I was trying to get something to drink but my tongue and lips and chin were still numb so it was hard to find where the juice was once it entered my mouth. Pretty soon Spencer got here, so he and Dad gave me a blessing. It pretty much immediately got better. After my tongue woke up, it was smooth sailing for the rest of the day.
It’s amazing to see how Heavenly Father blesses me sometimes. Today COULD have gone horribly, but that wasn’t His plan, so it went perfectly, and I am so thankful for that.
The big challenge now is keeping the operation areas undisturbed so that the scabs don't break. Also, I have a project that I need to basically finish by Monday.